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Improvements in a method to characterize soft ferrites up to high frequencies

B. Tellini, R. Giannetti, S. Lizón-Martínez

XII International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering - ISEF 2005, Bayona (España). 15-17 septiembre 2005




This paper aims to show a low-cost and easy to use measurement method for characterizing magnetic material B(H) relation up to medium frequencies providing an acceptable overall accuracy of the acquired data.


Saturation fields at MHz frequencies are obtained through resonance effects of properly designed circuit. Simulations and measurements are presented and discussed.


The paper shows the flexibility of the method and the possibility to use it for a complete characterization of the magnetic cores. Discussions and possible extension to rotating field measurements are reported.


The paper provides information on a low-cost and easy to use measurement method to characterize magnetic hysteretic materials.

Palabras clave: Measurement; Magnetism

DOI: DOI icon

Fecha de publicación: 2006-05-01.

B. Tellini, R. Giannetti, S. Lizón-Martínez, Improvements in a method to characterize soft ferrites up to high frequencies, XII International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering - ISEF 2005, Bayona (España). 15-17 septiembre 2005.

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